01543 399 933 info@2ndcitylegal.co.uk

Lasting Power of Attorneys

Choose who can act on your behalf

Who have you got in place if the worst was to happen?

Avoid losing control of your decisions by ensuring you have a Lasting Power of Attorney in place

Have a chat with the team


What is a Lasting Power Of Attorney?

A lasting power of attorney is a document that lets you choose who can act on your behalf for either your health and welfare or your property and financial affairs. By creating a lasting power of attorney, you have the choice as to who will execute your wishes and decisions when you aren’t able to. 

It could also save your family and loved ones additional stress and worry when you are no longer able to make your own decisions.

Without a lasting power of attorney it could go through the legal process of deputyship order, which can be lengthy and expensive. 

What is a Health & Welfare Lasting Power Of Attorney?

A health and welfare lasting power of attorney gives the attorney the power to make decisions relating to your daily routine, your medical care, care home, and life sustaining treatments. 

What is a Property & Financial Affairs Lasting Power Of Attorney?

For property and financial affairs, this lasting power of attorney can manage your bank or building society account, handle your bills and benefits, or even sell your home if necessary.  

Do I have to appoint a relative?

In short no, you can appoint a friend, solicitor or local authority. Sometimes appointing someone who isn’t a relative means tough decisions could be less painful on those who love us the most. 

Can I appoint more than one person?

You can. If you wish for your children for instance to make the decision together, it will need all of them to agree on all decisions.

Do I need people’s permission to make them an attorney?

They will need to be informed of your decision, and if they express concern or wish not to be listed, you may wish to reconsider your choice. 


Lasting Power Of Attorney Health


Lasting Power of attorney health mirrored


Lasting Power of attorney financial


Lasting Power Of Attorney Financial mirrored


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